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OEM Division

Solutions for OEM’s

Metraflex’s OEM Division manufactures a broad range of products and provides solutions and services to meet your specific engineered piping requirements. A leader in the industry, Metraflex continues to innovate, making smart, engineered piping products that enhance the efficiency of an entire system and result in significant energy savings.

If you want to reduce noise and vibration, protect and help maximize the life of critical components, improve efficiency and increase energy savings, Metraflex can help you.

Engineering Services
Looking for a custom solution? Metraflex Engineering Services can review your project and make design and product recommendations that help you develop the best solution for your customers.

If you are looking for a reliable source for proven engineered piping products, or a partner with expertise and engineering services to help you with a unique fluid flow solution, Metraflex has the experience and capabilities to help you be successful.

For more information and assistance on making your fluid flow solution as efficient and possible, contact Zeke Bochenek, zekeb@metraflex.com; 312-229-7524.

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